Love Founded Upon…
🔑 “Love founded upon attachment will always end in detriment. Love founded upon surrender will always hold the structure to be everlasting.” 🔑🙏🏽❤️
-Inspiration Is Key
If They Genuinely Care…
🔑 “If they genuinely care for you, their actions will be of representation.” 🔑🙏🏽❤️
-Inspiration Is Key
Your Life Is Specially Designed…
🔑 “Your life is specially designed for you to live. Your life can only become what it’s destined to be when focusing on the path that has been set in front of you. Who cares what the next person has. Who cares what the next person does. Live your life.” 🔑🙏🏽❤️
-Inspiration Is Key
Until Accepting Yourself Wholeheartedly…
🔑 “Until accepting yourself wholeheartedly, being at peace with yourself and loving yourself will be difficult. Only through the act of accepting all of who you are, both good and “bad”, you will only then begin to formulate a dynamic of peace and love with yourself.” 🔑🙏🏽❤️
-Inspiration Is Key
Everything Has Its Cycle…
🔑 “Everything has its cycle. Everything has its moment. Everything has its time. The journey of life is a journey of constant change. The positive will occur. The negative will occur. The highs will occur. The lows will occur. The chaos will occur. The peace will occur. For life to be a journey of balance and harmony, duality and polarity are necessary.” 🔑🙏🏽❤️
-Inspiration Is Key
If You Hold Back Your Love…
🔑 “If you hold back your love, love will be held back from you. Only when willing to give your fullest of love to self and to the world, the love you seek will be shown.” 🔑🙏🏽❤️
-Inspiration Is Key
If It Happened…
🔑 “If it happened, it was meant to happen. Nothing is accidental. Nothing is coincidental.” 🔑🙏🏽❤️
-Inspiration Is Key
All Begins To Work In Your Favor…
🔑 “All begins to work in your favor when favoring people and energies that uplift, empower, and inspire you. You only become better when around better.” 🔑🙏🏽❤️
-Inspiration Is Key
Don’t Seek To Be Liked…
🔑 “Don’t seek to be liked by everyone. Simply be yourself and allow the people who genuinely value and appreciate your presence be presented.” 🔑🙏🏽❤️
-Inspiration Is Key
The Process That Is Undergone…
🔑 “The process that is undergone to attain that of what you desire is what makes that of what you desire valuable. There’s no value in the destination without adversity within the journey.” 🔑🙏🏽❤️
-Inspiration Is Key
Another Day To Work On Ourselves…
🔑 “Another day to work on ourselves and on our lives. Let us utilize it and make the most of it.” 🔑🙏🏽❤️
-Inspiration Is Key
To Live In Envy Or Jealousy…
🔑 “To live in envy or jealousy is to only hold off your potential blessings. Only when focusing and embracing your life and path, the blessings in store can be revealed.” 🔑🙏🏽❤️
-Inspiration Is Key
Only Your Best Effort…
🔑 “Only your best effort will provide for the best results.”🔑🙏🏽❤️
-Inspiration Is Key
Stay Patient…
🔑 “Great things happen to those who remain patient within their journey.” 🔑🙏🏽❤️
-Inspiration Is Key
Change The Way You Treat Yourself…
🔑 “Change the way you treat yourself and watch how life changes the way it treats you.” 🔑🙏🏽❤️
-Inspiration Is Key
Value Yourself!
🔑 “Value yourself. Embrace yourself. Acknowledge yourself. Appreciate yourself. Accept yourself. Love yourself.” 🔑🙏🏽❤️
-Inspiration Is Key
You Are Your Greatest Investment…
🔑 “You are your greatest investment. Prioritize yourself accordingly. Reflect and assess with yourself as necessary. Life can only be of what you provide to yourself.” 🔑🙏🏽❤️
-Inspiration Is Key
Once You Become And Do…
🔑 “Once you become it and do it, you’ll have it.” 🔑🙏🏽❤️
-Inspiration Is Key
The Old Exiting Your Life…
🔑 “When what’s of old exits your life, something of new is entering your life.” 🔑🙏🏽❤️
-Inspiration Is Key
Trust Your Life
When you’re are ready for it, it will be delivered to you. Trust the timing of your life.
-Inspiration is Key
Enjoy Life
“Laugh. Smile. Just enjoy the gift that is called life.”
— Inspiration is Key
Be Better Than Who You Were Yesterday
“If it’s not inspiring you to act on your purpose or motivating you to be better than who you were yesterday, it’s a distraction from you discovering who you truly are.”
— Inspiration is Key